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Sorcerer Spell List Pathfinder


Spellcasting and Arcane Tradition: A Sorcerer's Journey

The Sorcerer's Spell List: A Focus on Arcane Power

As a sorcerer, you wield arcane spells with unmatched versatility, drawing your power from the sorcerer-wizard spell list. This comprehensive collection grants you access to a vast array of magical abilities, empowering you to manipulate the forces of nature and unravel the secrets of the arcane realm.

Unveiling the Arcane Tradition

Your choice of arcane tradition shapes your spellcasting prowess. Each tradition offers a unique spell list, tailoring your arcane arsenal to your specific abilities and interests. From the primal energies of the Draconic Bloodline to the ethereal whispers of the Wild Magic tradition, your choice determines the type of spells you can cast and the extraordinary powers you possess.

A Focus on Specialization

Unlike wizards, sorcerers possess a more limited skillset, favoring spellcasting prowess over mundane abilities. This specialization allows you to hone your magical talents, mastering a select set of skills that complement your arcane powers. Your sparse skill list and lack of proficiency in armor or shields reinforce your focus on spellcasting, empowering you to become a formidable wielder of magical might.

